BIYFF 7’s – Bangkok International Youth Football Festival First International Tournament for Lions – Sportsmanship award!

Our first international Tournament in Club History and we know beforehand that the strongest Teams from SE Asia will join. Neverthless we decided to enter and gain experience. We met at Verso International School on the outskirts of Bangkok near the Airport. Sun was already blazing at 9 am so we made sure the Lions had enough Liquids.

During this Tournament our Team flighted very hard and showed the Asia Pacific Region that Bangkok has amazing Girls Football Players, Most Teams were from Football Academies with very high professional approach. Teams like JSSL1 have never been beaten in Tournaments. So huge respect to our Girls and Coach Panu for trimming them to this high standard. A great 2 Day Learning Experience for the Lionesses. We ended up with The Best Sportsmanship Trophy for standing our ground and fight with our Hearts. The Organizer saw that and awarded us with this humble Trophy.

There were Teams from Singapore, Hongkong and Thailand. The Tournament was staged over two Days.

BIYFF 7’s, Verso International School, Bangkok March 11th and 12th

Champions: JSSL 1, Singapore (Junior Singapore Soccer League, Team 1)

Lion FC vs. JSSL1 1:1 (Goals: 1:0 Vanessa, 1:1)

Lions FC vs. JSSL2 1:1 (Goals 0:1, 1:1 Iris)

Lions FC vs. Tai Tam Dragons Hongkong 0:1 (Goals: 0:1)

Lions FC vs. APSS Hongkong 1:1 (Goals: 0:1. 1:1 Aida (penalty)

Lions FC vs. BSL Bangkok 6:0 (Goals: 1:0 Iris, 2:0 Iris, 3:0 Hannah, 4:0 Hannah, 5:0 Iris, 6:0 Alex)

Day 2:

Lions FC vs. JSSL2 0:1 ( Goals 0:1)

Lions FC vs. JSSL1 0:5 (Goals 0:1,0:2,0:3,0:4,0:5)

Shield Trophy for 3rd place:

Lions FC vs. JSSL2 0:2 (Goals: 0:1, 0:2)

Final Standings after 2 Days:

  1. JSS1 Singapore
  2. Tai Tam Dragons Hongkong
  3. JSSL2 Singapore
  4. Lions FC
  5. APSS Hongkong
  6. BSL Bangkok